Latest update Dec. 19, 2022

Answers to Exercises

Functional Programming and F#

  1. let upchar c =
      match c with
      | 'a' -> 'A'
      | 'b' -> 'B'
      | 'c' -> 'C'
      | c   ->  c
    let rec upstring s =
      match s with
      | "" -> ""
      | s  -> (upchar (s.[0])).ToString() + upstring (s.[1 .. String.Length s])
    let upstring = upchar

  2. let squares n =
      let rec sqlocal i n =
        if i > n
        then []
        else i*i :: squares (i+1) n
      in sqlocal 1 n
    let squares n = [ for i in 1 .. n -> i*i ]

  3. let list_match pat l =
      match l with
      | []    -> []
      | x::xs ->
        let rec test pat l =
          match (pat,l) with
          | ([],s)                  -> true
          | (p:pat,x:xs) when p = x -> test pat xs
          | _                       -> false
        in test pat s :: list_match pat xs
    match : 'a list -> 'a list -> bool list
    let matchall pat = match pat >> List.fold (||) false

  4. let rec foldBack1 f l =
      match l with
      | [] -> failwith "Applying foldBack1 to empty list"
      | [x] -> x
      | x::xs -> f x (foldBack1 f xs)
    let rec fold1 f l =
      match l with
      | [] -> failwith "Applying fold1 to empty list"
      | x::xs -> List.fold f x xs

  5. // "Vanilla" recursive function for the sequence
    let rec f n = 
      match n with
      | 1                -> 1
      | n when n % 2 = 0 -> f (n/2)
      | _                -> f(3*n+1)
    // Version with accumulating argument, returning the number of calls. Call
    // with f2 1 n 
    let rec f2 count n = 
      match n with
      | 1                -> count
      | n when n % 2 = 0 -> f2 (count + 1) (n/2)
      | _                -> f2 (count + 1) (3*n+1)
    // Version with mutable ref cell
    let count = ref 1
    let rec f3 n = 
      match n with
      | 1                -> !count
      | n when n % 2 = 0 -> count := !count + 1; f3 (n/2)
      | _                -> count := !count + 1; f3 (3*n+1)
    // Computing the sequence as a list
    let rec f4 n = 
      match n with
      | 1                -> [1]
      | n when n % 2 = 0 -> n :: f4 (n/2)
      | _                -> n :: f4 (3*n+1)

  6. let sroot a eps = 
      let rec new x =
        let newx =  0.5*(x + a/x)
        in if abs (x - newx) < eps then newx else new newx
    in new a

  7. let newrap f f' a eps =
      let rec new x =
        let newx =  x - f x/f' x
        in if abs (x - newx) < eps then newx else new newx
    in new a : float

  8. let iter f test x =
      let rec new x =
        let xnew = f x
        in if test x xnew then xnew else new xnew
    in new x
    let newrap2 f f' a eps =
      iter (fun x -> x - f x/f' x) (fun x xnew -> abs (x - xnew) < eps) a : float

  9. // A function "isprime" that tests, given a list l of previous primes, whether
    // i is prime or not
    let rec isprime i l =
      match l with
      | [] -> true
      | head :: tail -> 
          if i % head = 0
          then false
          else isprime i tail
    // The prime sieve function. The local function lsieve recursively builds the
    // list of discovered primes, and tests the next candidate against this list.
    let sieve n =
      let rec lsieve i l n =
        if i = n
        then l
        else if isprime i l
             then lsieve (i+1) (i::l) n
             else lsieve (i+1) l n
      in lsieve 3 [2] n

  10. They have different types, and thus take different arguments. f is in curried form and has type int -> int -> int: it takes an int, and returns a function that takes another int which in turn returns an int. g, on the other hand, has type int * int -> int and takes a tuple of two ints as arguments.

  11. type Vec5 = V2 of float * float | V3 of float * float * float
                | V4 of float * float * float * float
                | V5 of float * float * float * float * float
    let vlen vec =
      match vec with
      | V2 (x,y) -> sqrt (x**2 + y**2)
      | V3 (x,y,z) -> sqrt (x**2 + y**2 + z**2)
      | V4 (x,y,z,u) -> sqrt (x**2 + y**2 + z**2 + u**2)
      | V5 (x,y,z,u,v) -> sqrt (x**2 + y**2 + z**2 + u**2 + v**2)
    let vadd v1 v2 =
      match (v1,v2) with
      | (V2 (x1,y1),V2 (x2,y2)) -> V2 (x1+x2,y1+ny2)
      | (V3 (x1,y1,z1),V3 (x2,y2,z2)) -> V3 (x1+x2,y1+y2,z1+z2)
      | (V4 (x1,y1,z1,u1),V4 (x2,y2,z2,u2)) -> V4 (x1+x2,y1+y2,z1+z2,u1+u2)
      | (V5 (x1,y1,z1,u1,v1),V5 (x2,y2,z2,u2,v2)) ->
        V5 (x1+x2,y1+y2,z1+z2,u1+u2,v1,v2)
      | _ -> failwith "Attempt to add vectors of different dimensionality"

  12. // We represent internal nodes and leaves by the same kind of node. Leaves
    // contain the empty list.
    type VarTree<'a> = VNode of 'a * (VarTree<'a> list)
    let rec treeMap f (VNode (x,l)) = (VNode (f x),( (treeMap f) l))
    let rec fanout_sum (VNode (x,l)) =
      List.length l + List.sum ( fanout_sum l)
    let rec no_nodes (VNode (x,l)) = 1 + List.sum ( no_nodes l)
    let average_fanout t = float (fanout_sum t)/float (no_nodes t)

Type Inference

  1. Let us recall the definitions of f and g:
    let f x y   = x + y
    let g (x,y) = x + y
    Consider f first. We have identifiers f, x, y. First, choose one distinct type variable for each identifier:
    f : 'a
    x : 'b
    y : 'c
    We also have
    (+) : 'n -> 'n -> 'n, 'n numerical type
    From the LHS f x y, we obtain
    'a = 'b -> 'c -> 'd
    since f is a function applied to x and y, and thus the argument types of f must match with the types of x, y. Furthermore, the type of the LHS is 'd. From the RHS, we have
    'b = 'n
    'c = 'n
    'd = 'n
    since x and y are arguments to +, and the type of x + y must be the same as the type for f x y. There is no more information to guide the choice of 'n: thus, it defaults to int:
    'n = int
    This yields
    'b = int
    'c = int
    'd = int
    and since f : 'b -> 'c -> 'd we obtain the answer
    f : int -> int -> int

    Now consider g. Similarly to above, we will obtain
    g : 'b * 'c -> 'd
    x : 'b
    y : 'c
    As for f, we obtain
    'b = int
    'c = int
    'd = int
    and the final result is
    g : int * int -> int

  2. Consider the definition of map:
    let rec map f l =
      match l with
      | []           -> []
      | head :: tail -> f head :: map f tail
    We know beforehand:
    []   : 'a list (first occurrence)
    []   : 'b list (second occurrence)
    (::) : 'c -> 'c list -> 'c list (first occurrence)
    (::) : 'd -> 'd list -> 'd list (second occurrence)
    1    : int
    (+)  : 'n -> 'n -> 'n, 'n numerical type
    Note that we must use different type variables for the different occurrences of [] and (::), since they may assume different typings in different places. As usual, we assign one distinct type variable to each identifier in the function declaration:
    map  : 'e
    f    : 'f
    l    : 'g
    head : 'h
    tail : 'i
    Lets, start with the LHS, We immediately obtain
    map : 'f -> 'g -> 'j
    map f l : 'j
    Now consider the RHS (the match expression). Since l is matched with [] (first occurrence), we obtain
    'g = 'a list
    Furthermore, well-typedness of head :: tail demands
    'h = 'c
    'i = 'c list
    Since l can match head :: tail, we also have
    'c list = 'a list
    which implies
    'c  = 'a
    Summing up so far, we have the following typings (to be further refined):
    map  : 'f -> 'a list -> 'j
    f    : 'f
    l    : 'a list
    head : 'a
    tail : 'a list
    Now consider the results of the match expression, [] (second occurrence) and f head :: map f tail. From f head we obtain
    'f = 'a -> 'k
    'k = 'd
    For map f tail, the types for f and tail already match the argument types of map. We have map f tail : 'j, which yields
    'j = 'd list
    Finally, since the types of [] and f head :: map f tail must match the type of map f l, we have
    'b list = 'd list
    'd list = 'd list
    which is satisfied exactly when 'b = 'd. Now all expressions have been checked for correct typings, and we obtain the following typing for map:
    map  : ('a -> 'd) -> 'a list -> 'd list
    Since we were careful in each step not to introduce more constraints than necessary on the typings, this is a most general typing for map.

  3. Reconsider the definition of take:
    let rec take n l =
      match (n,l) with
      (_,[])    -> failwith "List too short"
      (0,_)     -> []
      (_,x::xs) -> x :: take (n-1) xs
    We know beforehand:
    []   : 'a list (first occurrence)
    []   : 'b list (second occurrence)
    (::) : 'c -> 'c list -> 'c list (first occurrence)
    (::) : 'd -> 'd list -> 'd list (second occurrence)
    failwith : string -> 'e
    "List too short" : string
    0    : int
    (-)  : 'n -> 'n -> 'n, 'n numerical type
    1    : int
    We assign unique type variables as typings for the different identifiers:
    take : 'f
    n : 'g
    l : 'h
    x : 'i
    xs : 'j
    from LHS (take n l) we have
    'f = 'g -> 'h -> 'k
    take n l : 'k
    From the RHS (match expression), we have, from the possible matchings of (n,l):
    'g = int (since n can match 0)
    'h = 'a list (since l can match first occurrence of [])
    'h = 'c list (since l can match x::xs)
    The two latter equalities also imply
    'c = 'a
    From well-typing of x::xs we obtain
    'i = 'c
    'j = 'c list
    Summing up, we now have
    take : int -> 'a list -> 'k
    n : int
    l : 'a list
    x : 'a
    xs : 'a list
    Now consider the results of the match: failwith "List too short", [] (second occurrence), and x :: take (n-1) xs. They must be well-typed, and their types must all match 'k, the type of take n l. We have:
    failwith "List too short" : 'e
    [] : 'b list (second occurrence)
    x :: take (n-1) xs : 'd list
    from which we obtain
    'k = 'e = 'b list = 'd list
    Well-typing of x :: take (n-1) xs demands
    'd = 'a (x first argument to ::)
    'd list = 'd list (take (n-1) xs second argument to ::)
    'n = int (n-1 first argument to take)
    'a list = 'a list (xs second argument to take)
    'n = int (n first argument to -)
    int = int (1 second argument to -)
    Summing up, we now have the typing
    take : int -> 'a list -> 'a list
    Since we now have checked that all subexpressions are well-typed, this is a correct typing of take, and it is also its most general type (by a similar argument as for map).

Björn Lisper
bjorn.lisper (at)