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CD5100 Functional Programming

Assignment 1 - Getting started

1) Start up F# on your computer by starting Visual Studio and the F# Interactive Environment by selecting the View -> Other Windows -> F# Interactive menu item.


Enter a few arithmetic expressions at the prompt and press enter to evaluate them. Now try evaluating the expressions listed below:


3 :: [4; 5; 2; 7];;

List.length [4; 5; 2; 7];;

[4; 5; 2; 7] :: 3;;


The evaluation of the last expression generated errors. Why? What would you do to make it work?


2) You can only evaluate expressions that will fit on a single line at the prompt. If you want to write more complex expressions, or declare your own functions, you need to put the code in a file and then load that file into the F# Interactive Environment.


Create the file "Lab1.fs". You can use any text editor you like, but Visual Studio is recommended. Now declare some values in the file, for example:



module Lab1


let x = 42

let myName = "Kalle"

let age = 25

let y = 4 + 2


The #light directive lightens up the syntax requirements. Save the file and load it into the system by writing: #load “c:\\...\\Lab1.fs”;;. You open the module by writing open “Lab1”;;. Then you can inspect the values by simply writing x;;, etc. The file and the module do not have to have the same name; however, it is convenient to do so.


Enter the following declarations into the file and evaluate. What values would b and c hold, and why?


let a = 5;;

let b = let a = 10 in a + 5;;

let c = a + b;;


3) Now it is time to declare some functions.

4) Define the function max2 that takes two integers as arguments and returns the largest of them and the function max_list that returns the largest of the elements in a nonempty list of integers by calling max2. For the empty list, it should abort with an error message (raising an exception).


Björn Lisper

(Based on the 2002 version by Lars Bruce)