Bachelor and Master Theses

To apply for conducting this thesis, please contact the thesis supervisor(s).
Title: From pilot to scale - Scale up of digital solutions in manufacturing industry
Subject: Produktion, Industriell ekonomi - Produktionssystem
Level: Advanced

This is theses is mainly conducted as a literature review but with/at the request of Volvo CE as part of the joint research project Coordination of Digital Transformation.  

Study context: Scaleup of digital solutions in manufacturing industry

Purpose: The purpose is to identify key factors that enables pilot to scaleup from a people-technology-process perspective.

RQ: What are the key factors that enables pilot to scaleup from a people-technology-process perspective?

Dimension boundaries and clarification

  • People (Organisational interfaces and structure, knowledge, skills, capabilities, communication, culture)
  • Technology (digital technology, system, SW, HW, data)
  • Process (work processes, routines, project models, production process)
  • Pilot: small scale test of digital technology/solution in a test environment
  • Scaleup: Further development and implementation in a production environment




Start date: 2023-01-16
End date: 2023-06-04
IDT supervisors: Anna Granlund Mats Ahlskog
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