Bachelor and Master Theses

To apply for conducting this thesis, please contact the thesis supervisor(s).
Title: Integration of Aircraft Mainenance Operations in a Graph Data Base
Subject: Computer science, Embedded systems, Robotics, Software engineering, Dependable Aeronautics and aerospace
Level: Basic, Advanced

The objective of this work is to integrate and aggregate two adjacent domains into a graph database and leverage this aggregation for graph query’s that can be used for planning and support of maintenance operations.

Key entities from both of these domains will be modelled as a network of nodes, relations and attributes

1) Study and learn the basics of the maintenance domain and the tactical air domain.
2) Identify relevant research questions.
3) Identify relevant entities, relations and attributes in these domains and model them in a graph database.
4) Define a set of graph queries that, on basis of a spatio-temporal search of the aggregated domain models can be used for decision support when planning and executing maintenance operations.
5) Implement and evaluate these queries
6) Document models, queries and write a thesis report.

Start date:
End date:
IDT supervisors: Peter Funk Ella Olsson
Company contact:

Saab Aeronautics