Bachelor and Master Theses

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Title: Reinforcement Learning based topology control for SDN-IoT systems
Subject: Computer network engineering, Computer science
Level: Advanced
Description: Low-power and Lossy Networks (LLN) are composed of a mesh of constrained devices that run a stack of communication protocols that are designed to minimise power consumption. Routing Protocol for Low-power and lossy networks (RPL) as the de-facto standard for routing in this type of networks is designed to support static networks so no wonder it has a poor performance in case topology of the network keeps changing. However, frequent evaluation of the topology consumes a big part of the battery-operated devices. Learning the more frequent handovers can help optimize this trade-off.

There are some recent efforts that consider offloading the control processes to a centralised entity. Generally, the nodes find the initial routes using the traditional RPL but the SDN controller has the ability to install routes in the nodes which have a higher probability. In scenarios that the mobile nodes move randomly, it is harder to learn a mobility pattern. Using reinforcement learning the controller can install routes to ensure an specific throughput minimizing the power consumption due to handovers.
Supervisor(s): Iliar Rabet
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