Bachelor and Master Theses

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Title: Investigation of effects of deadline miss strategies on stability and performance in control systems subject to bursts of increased latencies
Subject: Embedded systems, Robotics, Dependable Aeronautics and aerospace
Level: Advanced

Vreman et al. have investigated this issue somewhat in Stability and Performance Analysis of Control Systems Subject to Bursts of Deadline Misses, ECRTS 2021. Among other things, the deadline miss strategies Kill and Skip-Next are compared, and the number of consecutive deadline hits needed to recover from a burst of deadline misses of a certain length is evaluated.
However, the deadline miss strategy may affect the length of the burst of deadline misses. In a case with increased latencies causing response times to be slightly higher than the deadline, the Kill strategy may lead to a long burst of deadline misses, whereas Skip-Next may lead to every second job being skipped. On the other hand, if one specific job is delayed significantly, Skip-Next may lead to several successive jobs being skipped, whereas the Kill strategy may lead to a single deadline miss.
We aim to investigate how the Kill and Skip-Next deadline miss strategies affect the deadline hit/ miss pattern and thereby the stability and performance of a control system when subject to latency bursts of different size and shape. Evaluations can be performed by simulation, possibly of an inverse pendulum control system.

Supervisor(s): Anna Friebe

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IDT supervisors: Anna Friebe
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