Bachelor and Master Theses

To apply for conducting this thesis, please contact the thesis supervisor(s).
Title: Metamodel portioning and generation of textual notations
Subject: Computer science, Software engineering
Level: Advanced
Description: In the BUMBLE project ( we study the automatisation of creation and management of blended modelling environments. Modelling can concern several aspects of system and software engineering. Blending means that models are seamlessly viewable and editable using multiple notations (e.g., graphical, textual, tabular). In this thesis we focus on blending as a mix of graphical and textual notations and in particular on the automatic generation of textual editors from metamodel portions. The portioning is provided by the solution too.

Currently the creation of multiple textual editors for different portions of a modelling language (metamodel) requires a substantial manual effort in state of the art modelling tools. This activity is not well-suited for end-users without specific language engineering and HMI skills. To simplify this task, in this thesis we will study how to automatically portion an existing metamodel and how to use these portions to generate textual editors for them.
Besides studying possible solutions, this work will provide a proof-of-concept prototype.

The thesis work will include the following steps: investigation of state of the art and related technologies, solution design, implementation and validation of proof-of-concept prototype on open-source platform (Eclipse Modeling Framework and Xtext), report writing.
Supervisor(s): Malvina Latifaj, Federico Ciccozzi
Examiner: Antonio Cicchetti
Start date:
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Prerequisites: Object-oriented programming, some experience with modelling
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